
day 362


Based on our best knowledge:

Mitochondrion are working to create ATP, a energy resources, and this process is conducted on the mitochondrial membrane along with the proton pump and electron transport chain.

If we intake bunch of glucose, but not consume the energy, mitochondrion accumulates ATP or they stop ATPase, thereby free electron combines to Oxygen and create free radical oxygen species (ROS). 

This ROS itself is unstable and so harmful that it attack several proteins and genes.

Circulation of mitochondrial energy pathway is the key of longevity and healthy status. 

Then, two questions. 

Under critical situation like post surgery, sepsis, and burn, based on this mitochondrion pathway,  how and what kind of intervention is optimal to improve the situation. 

It might be inevitable that the demand of energy increase to heal wounds and fight with contagious invaders. 

The situation and demand of energy to mitochondrion is same as the healthy status? Or we should keep them rest to prevent future ROS creation? 

The another question is whether the internal system has the regulation of mitochondrion. Or mitochondria itself has the negative feedback to control energy? 

Instead of mitochondrial transplantation, if we can increase mitochondria itself, it improves the cell performance or deteriorate it because of ROS accumulation?