
Population approach and high risk approach

I have read some books to write an essay for TOEFL

Ichiro Kawachi

Population approach vs high-risk approach for health problems.
Education definitely improves the quality of life and health.
The social capital also improves them statistically. Therefore, the point is how to foster the social capital.
The social capital is the empowerment of the community by helping each other or taking care of the neighbors. Maybe his main study is the social capital, but if I understand it more, I need to read extra books.

Nakamasa Masaki

Review of the philosopher Hannah Arendt.
She wrote the famous articles named "Eichmann in Jerusalem" and "The Origins of Totalitarianism".
In this book, I could understand why she was criticised after publishing "Eichmann in Jerusalem" and how Eichmann refuted in the court in Jerusalem.

Hans Rosling

I have not finish reading this book yet, but interesting.
Our instincts are inclined to like worse news and more negative expectation than positive and better facts.